My Heart Belongs to a Dog

This is dedicated in loving memory to Moose. RIP June 28, 2001 - December 29, 2011

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Kind Gesture

 I got a sweet card in the mail today from Live Oak Vet.  This was Moose's Doctor.  
front of card
Inside of card
We visited the vet a lot over the years! I am sure they will miss my crazy/frantic/can't understand calls along with Moose.  Such a great staff that always helped me and my Moose-Man.  Thank you Live Oak for your card and for putting up with a crazy Mama! From the time Moose had Horner's syndrome (emergency visit one Halloween) to the time he ate the entire Terry's Chocolate Orange one Christmas after I left it on the coffee table.  Silly me I had always heard if a dog eats chocolate it will kill him.  Dr Marty asked me "Does he appear nervous?"  My reply was, "He's shaking right now because if you tell me he's going to be okay I am going to beat him!"  And there was the time that he was at Granny's one Saturday and decided he wanted to eat grapes off the vine (yummy scuppernongs i might add) and an angry mob of bees attacked him and his big ole head was swollen twice it's normal size and I had to give him 10 benadryls.  I could go on and on, but I will do that in another post or five. Lol!  But thank you Live Oak for the card.  I have been dreading this time since 5 years ago when I cried all the way home after Dr Marty told me that Moose was going to die :'(  Without you guys he would have never made it as long as he did! 

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